Client: Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)
In support of the Virginia Department of Transportation, ATCS noise staff conducted a preliminary and final design noise analysis for the Fairfax County Parkway Improvement Project in Fairfax County, Virginia. The proposed improvements include 5.5 miles of widening of Fairfax County Parkway (Route 286) from four to six travel lanes and providing intersection improvements and configuration of pedestrian and bicycle amenities.
As a result of predicted noise impacts along the project corridor, our team of noise experts evaluated noise mitigation in the form of noise barriers due to right-of-way constraints along the corridor. As part of this process, our experts evaluated and optimized nearly 101,000 square feet of noise barrier determined to be feasible and reasonable. In addition, our experts participated in over a dozen citizen information meetings that kept the communities along the project corridor informed of the latest designs and the result of the noise analysis and mitigation assessment. Additional community coordination will continue throughout the remainder of the project.