Client: Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) + Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA)
ATCS noise staff are providing noise analysis oversight and technical support as part of the P3 GEC team supporting one of the largest P3 projects in the country with proposed improvements on over 70 miles of congested interstate. We provided technical oversight and support in developing baseline noise models for the project team that contained over 25 existing noise walls along the project corridor. In addition, our team led the development of the noise analysis technical requirements, setting the framework for all future analysis of noise-sensitive land uses and design/construction of any noise mitigation within the P3 Program limits.
The technical requirements include guidance and processes on identifying noise-sensitive land uses, developing a noise study work plan, selecting noise monitoring locations, developing/using FHWA’s Traffic Noise Model (TNM), determining design year traffic and corresponding loudest hour, evaluating abatement measures, constructing/maintaining/repairing noise barriers, and assessing construction noise. During the final design noise assessment, the contractor/developer must follow specifications laid out by the ATCS noise team when completing the project’s final engineering design. In addition, as part of the GEC team, our noise experts will provide continued program management, guidance, and oversight throughout the duration of the project through completion.