ATCS is providing site civil engineering and design services for a 35-acre single family cluster development in York County, Virginia. The development will yield approximately 45 single family homes and associated park amenities, sidewalks, and common areas. ATCS conducted a topographic survey of the site, as well as mapping of environmental features within the project footprint. The development is bifurcated by a nature stream channel that conveys offsite stormwater from adjacent developments through the site.
To achieve the most efficient project layout and yield for the developer, the channel needed to be rerouted around the perimeter of the project area. Following extensive analysis and development of multiple options for the rerouting and treatment of an open channel ditch, ATCS is coordinating with the County on impacts to the County’s system and to select the appropriate alternative. Additionally, ATCS is designing a new gravity sanitary sewer collection system and domestic water distribution system.