Client: Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)
The Transform 66 Outside the Beltway Project is a public-private partnership between the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), the Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT), and private partner, I-66 Express Mobility Partners, delivering $3.7 billion of transportation improvements in the I-66 corridor, including 22.5 miles of Express Lanes. ATCS has worked with VDOT, the design-builder, and the project concessionaire to develop and execute a multi-faceted public involvement campaign that has included more than 800 stakeholder meetings, more than 4,000 public comments and inquiries, and multi-channel advertising campaigns promoting traffic demand management strategies and changes to HOV policies.
To support this outreach, ATCS developed a GIS Interactive Mapping Tool that allows a diverse range of stakeholders to view and explore the project design to understand project features of interest to them. The online design has been updated regularly over the last five years as the design-build project has advanced. The tool is used regularly by direct impact communities and other adjacent property owners, as well as roadway users, news media, elected officials/staff, partner agencies, and project team staff (especially the public involvement team).
The project team has used the interactive mapping tool during in-person and virtual meetings with communities and individual property owners to show nearby impacts and project features of interest such as noise walls, sidewalks, and the shared-use path. The tool is featured prominently on the project website, which ATCS manages and has redesigned multiple times as the project has advanced.