ATCS supported the developer, Pulte Home Company, through the entitlements process for a mixed-use development in Fairfax City, Va, with multidisciplinary coordination. ATCS prepared the conceptual engineering design, which details the numerous benefits the new community will bring to the Northern Virginia suburb. Additionally, ATCS successfully rezoned the property of an existing 70-year-old motel and adjacent buildings to the Planned Development Mixed-Use district.

The phased redevelopment project will include 20 two-over-two multifamily units and 40 townhouses; a percentage will be affordable housing. An 8,000-10,000 square foot commercial building, parking, and improvements for transportation and infrastructure are also part of the Master Plan, along with open space elements featuring a lawn, seating areas, pedestrian walkways, and a play area to serve families.

ATCS teamed with LPDA (landscape design), Rust Orling Architecture, Wells Associates (traffic engineering), Proper Tree Care (landscape arborist), Davis Utility (utility relocation design), Walsh Colucci (land attorney).