Photo of common area outside Amber Commons apartment complex.

ATCS provided engineering and land surveying services in support of the MRK Partners’ acquisition rehabilitation of the existing Amber Commons apartment complex which includes 198-apartment units, surface parking, and amenity areas. Site improvements performed by ATCS included regrading sidewalks, parking, and amenity areas for conformance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards, relocation of new curb ramps and accessible parking spaces, replacement of dumpster and recycling facilities, site lighting and landscaping maintenance, and remedying erosive and failing drainage structures. ATCS provided coordination with the client’s subconsultants, legal counsel, and with municipal agencies. The project deliverables included: Existing Conditions Plan, Site Plan including grading improvements, Pedestrian Circulation Plan, Lighting/Photometric Plan, Stormwater Management Summary, and Retaining Wall Structural Assessment.