Carl D Silver Parkway Roadway, Storm Drainage and Utility Improvements City of Fredericksburg, Virginia
ATCS provided comprehensive engineering design services for preliminary through final design of the Carl D Silver Parkway project located in the City of Fredericksburg, Virginia. ATCS performed all roadway design and civil engineering services from the initial alignment studies through the submission of construction documents. This roadway consisted of two (2) phases with the following elements:
- 6,000 linear feet of four (4)-lane closed section roadway with a varying width MS-2 raised grass median
- 2,900 linear feet of six (6)-lane closed section roadway also with a MS-2 raised grass median
- 1,110 feet of two (2)-lane closed section roadway
- Approximately 16,000 feet of waterlines
- Approximately 4,400 feet of sanitary sewer
- Approximately 10,400 linear feet of storm sewer
- Nine (9)-way utility duct bank
- Six (6) stormwater management basins
- Four (4) bioretention filters design for low impact development
- 211 linear feet of 16-foot-wide by 5-foot-high Con-Span for a significant water crossing.
The roadway was designed to VDOT standards and was accepted into the VDOT state system of highways. The project also featured VDOT approved pavement design, signing, and pavement marking plans. The project also featured multiphase erosion and sediment control plans meeting DCR requirements with specifically designed sediment basins and other E&S control measures. Maintenance-of-traffic concerns were minor since this was a new road. To prepare final construction plans, a detailed and thorough Roadway Alignment Study was first performed. This study led to the final alignment that was eventually built.