Washington Dulles International Airport, 4th Runway and Associated Taxiways, Pedestrian Tunnels, Soil Embankments Dulles, Virginia
QA/QC checks of the accuracy of the survey control used by the general contractor were performed per contract requirements prior to the start of the construction work. Prior to using the existing control, ATCS Surveyors ran accuracy checks on the control used for the construction operations for the construction of the infrastructure, runways, towers, and light canister for runways 1L and 19R at Dulles Airport and provided documentation to the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority (MWAA) with the results. ATCS provided the survey field work and report documents including: the latitude, longitudes, and elevations of localizer antennae, centerline runway control, and glide slope masts at the completion of the project for submission to MWAA. As-built reports of the cross slopes of the new runways were also performed prior to acceptance of the final construction. Final certifications were provided at the end of the project, to confirm the locations of the constructed facilities including: the PAPI light system, the approach light system (ALSF-2), RVR System components, and verification of the visual glide path.
On a separate project, ATCS provided as-built report documents and drawings of underground pedestrian tunnels and platforms. Using a combination of RTK GPS and robotic total stations, ATCS Surveyors performed a 3-dimensional location of an existing underground pedestrian tunnel. The location was used to design and construct de-watering wells for the tunnels. ATCS provided topographic surveys of soil bank storage facilities for the design of new storm drainage structures to address drainage issues around the stock piles. A 55-acre area of topography was field-shot over the course of four (4) days for a time-critical project. This site involved the location and as-builts of four (4) soil banks with over 100 feet of vertical change tied to local airport control, as well as as-builts of all storm drainage systems in the area. Construction base sheets (AutoCAD format) and surface TIN were provided as the deliverables.
The ATCS Survey Team provided locations and verifications of construction quantities of all clearing and grubbing operations at Dulles Airport for new runway construction. Clearing limits were measured utilizing RTK GPS, and quantities tabulated for use by the general contractor to establish payment amounts for work performed. Reports and drawings of quantities were provided as the final deliverable. All work was performed while coordinating with MWAA and various contractors for access to critical areas. All work was performed using a high accuracy network and GPS to localize to specific airport datum and supplemented with robotic total stations in underground spaces or areas not appropriate for GPS.