ATCS Selected as Prime on the Salem District I-81 NB Exit 105 Interchange

ATCS is pleased to announce that it was selected as the top ranked firm for negotiations, to provide construction engineering inspection services for the replacement of the Interstate 81 NB Bridge over the New River and the replacement of the Rt. 232 Bridge over I-81, by The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT).

This project will replace the I-81 NB Bridge over the New River as well as the Route 232 Bridge at the Exit 105 Interchange which crosses over I-81. Minor improvements will be made to both the I-81 NB off-ramp and on-ramps at this interchange. There will be a variety of drainage improvements along I-81 and many stormwater management facilities will be constructed, not only near the above-mentioned bridges but also at the Rest Areas located on both NB and SB I-81 at mile marker 108. Other work will include utilities, landscaping, guardrail, and permanent signage. This project will be advertised for construction in June of 2016 so inspection work could begin in late fall/early winter of 2016. Construction is expected to run through the end of 2020.

The main portion of work centers around the 1,700-foot long bridge over the New River at the Montgomery/Pulaski County lines. This 70 foot tall bridge is one of the larger structures in Southwest Virginia.