Client: North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT)
ATCS is providing planning and design services for four bridge replacements with aggressive schedules. At the request of the client, ATCS is preparing both state and federal environmental documentation packages [Minimum Criteria Determination Checklist (MCDC) for state funding and Categorical Exclusion (CE) for federal funding] in order to allow for the potential of future funding changes. This requires that ATCS assume the most stringent regulations for each environmentally sensitive resource, whether it be state of federal, so that the projects can move to right of way acquisition and construction in a timely manner if funding types change during the planning process. ATCS is providing the following as part of these investigations:
- Early scoping
- Threatened and endangered species coordination
- Wetlands and stream delineations, including stream functional assessments
- Agency coordination
- Natural Resource Technical Report
- Community Impact Assessment
- Section 4(f) resources assessment
- Archaeological/architectural coordination
- Stakeholder coordination
- Avoidance and minimization efforts