ATCS provided professional engineering services to Hampton Roads Academy, a private school located in Newport News, Virginia.
In order to keep up with the growing demands of the school, HRA demolished the existing tennis courts directly behind the main building to construct a 25,000 sq.ft. lower school building addition to provide classrooms, a cafeteria, and administration space.
We prepared a pump station evaluation for the existing on-site station. A topographic survey of the development area and the expansive ditch network on campus was prepared and used as the base map for the design of the new facility and also to improve overall drainage for the entire campus. ATCS prepared site development plans including site layout, grading & drainage, utility connections, landscaping, lighting, and erosion & sediment control that were submitted and approved by the City of Newport News.
While the new facility was being built, ATCS provided construction administration and building stakeout services.