I-95 4th Lane Widening, Fairfax County, Virginia
The I-95 4th Lane Widening project is located in Fairfax and Prince William Counties. The project limits were from Route 123 (Gordon Blvd) to Route 7100 (Fairfax County Parkway). The six (6)-mile widening project adds a fourth general purpose lane in each direction to I-95 at an estimated cost of $86 million. Major Components include 11.2 lane-miles of road construction adjacent to high volume/high speed interstate traffic in very tight working conditions (ADT = 221,000), two (2) bridge widenings involved marine type work, and eight (8) bridge widenings that were of median/complex difficulty. The project also included 16 retaining walls totaling 2.1 linear miles (included RW-3 gravity walls, MSE, and drilled shafts), 2.5 miles of storm pipe installation, and eight (8) sound barriers (both ground and sound mounted).
ATCS performed construction management and inspection services for VDOT’s Northern Virginia District. Project tasks included field inspection for roadway grade and bridge/structures, soil and slope stabilization inspections, documentation, material testing, communications with stakeholders, public outreach, traffic maintenance inspection, and environmental monitoring for over 31 acres of disturbance. ATCS also provided project control services which included document control, CPM schedule reviews for baseline and monthly updates, change management, time impact analysis, cost estimating, and reporting.